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��� Cast
May 30, 2004 | 1:34 am

Alicia - Hi, this is me, my name is Alicia. I am a college student, just out of her second year at a college she despises. I'm living at home with my parents for the summer and working at a job I despise all in my futile attempts to make enough money to move out and live on my own next fall. Well, on my own with Katie, but it's the same thing, right :)

Amanda - Amanda is the girl I work with in the drive-thru at work. Though her personality makes her a wonderfully fun person to work with, she seems to have problem with actually DOING work which is irriating as fuck

Katie - Katie is one of my very bestest friends EVER. She is the one I can (and do!!) tell anything to. I know she will take my secrets to my grave and not start hating me for anything I tell her. She is neat, neat, neat, neat and also my very identical twin AND sister. Though I think it's pretty fucked up that my Dad offers to give her gas money and not me!!! Grrr . . .

Kristin - The first friend I made this past year at GC and someone I understand impeccibly. I'm not sure why I am so close to Kristin, we have very little in common when you really thing about it, but we both understand each other without words or explanations and, I truly think, that makes us as wonderful of friends as we are. I love her so much and I'm sad she lives in Virginia :(

Matthew (Matt) - Matt is my little brother, younger than me by less than two years. I love the kid a lot, a lot, but he was WAY too spoiled a child. Now the boy can't seem to do a thing for himself and it REALLY gets on my nerves. Here's to hoping he doesn't ruin the rest of his life later by being a lazy ass now . . .

Melissa (Missy) - Katie's old roommate, back at good old GC. Missy was a perfectly nice girl till she started dating Carl. Then she became one half of a walking cliche and Miss Super Bitch. Oh, and did I mention that she is still connected to her mother via the umbilical cord? . . . yeah

Rachel - We used to be very close . . . now? Now I'm not really sure what is going on

Steve - The man I love

Trent - Trent is my brother-in-law, married to my oldest sister, Wanda. He is one of the few people in my family that I am really close to and I am very glad he married in :). We fight and tease each other till we are blue in the face, but I know that we love each other very much and he would do anything for me if I only asked.

Wanda - Wanda is my oldest sister and my oldest sibling. I'm not really that close to her, we are VERY different, but I do love her tons cuz she is my biggest sister. Oh, and cuz she has a pool :-P

If all life is a stage, we have a wonderful cast | Alicia